À propos de nous 

Hub Spot Host.

Connaître à propos de nous

Hub Spot Host est un fier supporteur de VivaKids, une organisation à but non lucratif née en 2007 pour répondre aux besoins des enfants défavorisés en République dominicaine et dans le monde.

Toute notre communauté peut être fière de faire une différence dans le monde des enfants avec chaque Hub Spot !

À propos de nous 

Hub Spot Host.

Connaître à propos de nous

Hub Spot Host est un fier supporteur de VivaKids, une organisation à but non lucratif née en 2007 pour répondre aux besoins des enfants défavorisés en République dominicaine et dans le monde.

Toute notre communauté peut être fière de faire une différence dans le monde des enfants avec chaque Hub Spot !


Nous sommes des supporters du réseau Helium qui se soucient de construire le réseau tout en donnant aux hôtes leur juste part.

Ce que nous faisons

Contrairement à d’autres services de partage de hotspot qui offrent aux hôtes aussi peu que 15 %, nous avons décidé de faire bouger les choses et de payer aux hôtes 70 % des revenus du hotspot.

Pourquoi le faisons-nous

Nous pensons que les hôtes sont les membres les plus importants de l’écosystème Helium et méritent la majorité des récompenses pour le service important qu’ils fournissent.

Rencontrer l’équipe

Voici les principaux membres du personnel de notre équipe.

Hub Spot Host a réuni une équipe aux compétences diverses, mais complémentaires, du marketing à la fabrication pour servir nos affiliés et nos hôtes.

Founder / CEO

Rick Cotton

has started and built several companies including eXfuze (KZ1) which to date has done over 300 million in sales and growing.
Rick is also passionate about serving children around the world. Rick served as a missionary for 10 years overseas in Ukraine, Venezuela, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic and has worked in over 40 countries.

Rick has extensive knowledge of what it takes to build a company on a solid foundation and leads the team with a passion for people and a vision to make iHub the leader in the world of IoT.

Founder / CEO

Rick Cotton

has started and built several companies including eXfuze (KZ1) which to date has done over 300 million in sales and growing.
Rick is also passionate about serving children around the world. Rick served as a missionary for 10 years overseas in Ukraine, Venezuela, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic and has worked in over 40 countries.

Rick has extensive knowledge of what it takes to build a company on a solid foundation and leads the team with a passion for people and a vision to make iHub the leader in the world of IoT.

Founder / CEO

Rick Cotton

has started and built several companies including eXfuze (KZ1) which to date has done over 300 million in sales and growing.
Rick is also passionate about serving children around the world. Rick served as a missionary for 10 years overseas in Ukraine, Venezuela, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic and has worked in over 40 countries.

Rick has extensive knowledge of what it takes to build a company on a solid foundation and leads the team with a passion for people and a vision to make iHub the leader in the world of IoT.

Founder / CEO

Rick Cotton

has started and built several companies including eXfuze (KZ1) which to date has done over 300 million in sales and growing.
Rick is also passionate about serving children around the world. Rick served as a missionary for 10 years overseas in Ukraine, Venezuela, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic and has worked in over 40 countries.

Rick has extensive knowledge of what it takes to build a company on a solid foundation and leads the team with a passion for people and a vision to make iHub the leader in the world of IoT.

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