Stake and become a Validator.

Secure the Network.

Earn HNT.

Validator nodes are a new entity on the Helium Blockchain that performs consensus group work, including verifying transactions and adding new blocks to the blockchain.

To run a validator requires a stake (deposit) of 10,000 HNT and running validator node software in a suitable environment.

In return for staking, users contribute to network scalability and earn HNT rewards.

Yield Estimations

Estimated APR vs Total HNT staked (in millions)

The estimated APR represented is pre-halving (08/01/2021) at 10K HNT per node.



Active & Ongoing

Mainnet - Staking

Staking Available

Mainnet - Threshold

Threshold met

Mainnet - Activate Validators

Validator Node Consensus Group

Network Status

The network has met the threshold of 100 validators (1,000,000 HNT) to launch on Mainnet.

21,680,000 HNT staked by 2168Validators

Threshold Met

Begin Staking

The network selects validators to the consensus group. As blockchain epochs complete, existing group members are unelected, and new members elected. Consensus group rewards can be accessed immediately unlike the staked amount which remains locked while running a validator node.

Staking Options

The staked amount (10,000 HNT) of a validator remains locked until unstacked, however, validator rewards are sent to an owner’s wallet at the end of each epoch (approximately every 30 blocks).


The stake is a non-reversible transaction recorded on the blockchain and not held by either Helium, Inc. or the Decentralized Wireless Alliance.


Validators must be kept online and up to date to earn rewards. If a validator is offline or isn’t up to date it will be penalized and earn fewer rewards. More information about penalties found here.


To withdraw the staked amount an owner needs to unstacked a validator. Once unstacked, validators enter a cooldown period for approximately 5 months (250,000 blocks) and do NOT earn rewards. After this cooldown period, the staked amount is returned to the owner’s wallet.

10K HNT and DIY

This option assumes you have the full stake amount and technical skills to set up and maintain a validator node ideally using a virtual server provider (such as AWS or Digital Ocean). For technical requirements and instructions go here.

Note: Running a validator node from a home internet connection is not recommended.

Under 10K HNT or Outsource

This option assumes you do not have the full stake amount or prefer not to handle the technical tasks required to run and maintain a validator node.

Independent staking providers are available. Some are listed here, but please do your own research as a listing does not equal endorsement or recommendation.


What’s the minimum number of validators needed? Is there a cap?

To activate validators on Mainnet requires a minimum of 100 validator nodes with no maximum cap. A separate chain variable will be activated when the proposed minimum is reached which will enable Consensus Group election from the validator pool.

How much HNT does it require to stake and become a validator?

The stake amount is 10,000 HNT.

How long is the cooldown period (the length of time to return staking amount after unstacking)?

If an owner decides to unstake a validator, the stake amount is returned after a 250,000 block cooldown period (approximately 5 months). During this period validators do NOT earn rewards.

Is overstaking permitted? If so, what’s the benefit?

No. There is no advantage for staking more than 10K HNT per validator node.

How many HNT rewards can a validator earn?

The validator pool is allocated 6% of overall HNT rewards for consensus group work. For an individual validator, it depends on the number of validators in the pool and how often a validator is chosen by the network to participate in the consensus group. Roughly speaking, if there are X validators pre-halving there should be 300,000 HNT/X rewards in a month (50k blocks) per validator assuming good group performance on the part of all validators. Rewards are sent to a validator owner’s wallet at the end of each epoch (approximately every 30 blocks).

Is there slashing on the network?

No, but poorly performing validator nodes (offline, weak network connections) will be penalized and earn less rewards. More information about penalties found here. Validator node behavior will be monitored to determine if slashing is needed in a future release.

More information about HIP 25 here.

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